About Us

Sunscape Farms is a fresh market farm located on Creek Street in Penfield and Maiden Lane in Greece. We grow a wide range of fresh fruit and vegetables as well as seasonal cut flowers. See our seasonal produce list here.



Our Beginnings

Sunscape Farms is a sole proprietorship owned and managed by Nathan and Courtney Savage. When Nate was a kid, his peers were enamored with action figures and video games, but Nate loved green things that grew. His father would take him weekly to the Webster market, not realizing that he was helping Nate cultivate a passion that would soon become his career! Despite already having a small backyard, his parents allowed him to create summer gardens when he was in grade school, and then build a small greenhouse when he was twelve.


In 1999, Nate began growing produce to sell at markets. He spent his college savings on a tractor, and established Sunscape Farms in 2006. As a first-generation farmer, Nate's primary teacher was personal experience, experimentation and brutal hard work. He actively sought out knowledge from friends, other farmers, local researchers, and agriculture/horticulture literature. "This is how we've always done it," has never been an acceptable answer in Nate's mind, and his constant pursuit of a better, more sustainable way to farm has made him a standout in the farming community.


 On a beautiful day in the spring of 2010, Nate and Courtney were married. Courtney shared Nate's vision of excellence in natural growing and customer service and came to work full time on the farm. Courtney has an applied mathematics degree from the Rochester Institute of Technology with minors in computer science, applied communcation, and statistics. She uses these skills to manage Sunscape Farm's office, CSA program, website, social media, and whatever else needs to be done!    



Sustainability and Environmental Responsibility 

We have developed into a family-owned farm with a focus on responsible, Sustainable growing. We work hard to ensure that there is no dangerous spray residual on our crops. Tilling, discing, hoeing, and hand-pulling are used in place of the usual extensive, commercial-grade herbicides  to control weeds and unwanted plants. We use biodegradable black film instead of traditional black plastic that ends up in a landfill. There are no post-harvest chemical treatments used on our produce. We also refuse to use any genetically altered (GMO) produce varieties.


We conscientiously rotate our crops every year, and carefully select cover crops (which are not meant for harvest) to prevent erosion and reduce pests. These cover crops increase the health of the soil when they are tilled under in the spring. Read more about our growing practices here


Our Market and Greenhouses

Thanks to overwhelming support from the community, Sunscape Farms has two seasonal farm markets, open daily May - December, and provide some of the most beautiful plants and freshest locally-grown produce available in the area.  Find one of our locations near you by clicking here.


Today, we have grown to become one of the most trusted farms in our area.  When you buy your produce from us, you can be sure that it will always be fresh, safe, and local.

Contact Details

Email Us!



Sunscape Farms Penfield

1416 Creek St

Rochester, NY 14625

(585) 406-3443


Sunscape Farms Greece

1530 Maiden Ln

Rochester, NY 14625

(585) 455-2558



Sunscape Farms Penfield Farm Market

CLOSED for the season

Reopening in May!


Sunscape Farms Greece Farm Market

CLOSED for the season

Reopening in May!


Fairport Farmer's Market:


Reopening in May!

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